Help us raise funds just by donating gently worn, used and new shoes! Be sure to ask, friends, family, neighbors and co-workers to donate too!
Collected shoes not only help support us, but they will be reused and given a second life by those in need.
It's a WIN-WIN!
We need your shoes!!!!
January 20th - March 14th
January 20th - March 14th ~
Curious about our Shoe Drive? We've got you covered! Our FAQs section is here to answer all your burning questions. Learn about accepted shoe types, drop-off locations, donation timelines, and how your contribution makes a difference. Whether you're a first-time donor or a seasoned participant, you'll find everything you need to know to get involved and help us reach our goal. Join us in making a positive impact, one pair of shoes at a time!
We are partnering with Funds2Orgs. They are the nation’s largest shoe drive fundraising company.
The team at Funds2Orgs believes in endless possibilities. They believe that they can support organizations here with shoe drive fundraisers, while helping the environment, AND giving a hand-up to micro-entrepreneurs in developing nations. They are a global social enterprise with headquarters in Florida, micro-enterprise partners in 26 countries worldwide, and marketing specialists located in the U.S. and Europe.
Sustainable Impact
Our shoes will go to 26 developing countries, providing micro-entrepreneurs, especially women, with affordable inventory. By avoiding “free” donations that can harm local economies, this model fosters sustainable commerce. Over 4,000 micro-entrepreneurs have risen from poverty, thanks to this shoe fundraiser.
Kevin O'Leary
is giving Funds2Orgs
a huge thumbs up!
A shoe drive fundraiser is an excellent way to engage your supporters, donors, and community. PLUS, you don’t have to ask for money or sell merchandise people don’t want.
A successful shoe drive fundraiser with us has ZERO out-of-pocket costs! Earn thousands just by collecting gently worn, used, and new shoes.
Raise thousands and see fundraising success like them!