Help us raise funds just by donating gently worn, used and new shoes! Be sure to ask, friends, family, neighbors and co-workers to donate too!

Collected shoes not only help support us, but they will be reused and given a second life by those in need.

It's a WIN-WIN!

We need your shoes!!!!

January 20th - March 14th


January 20th - March 14th ~


Collecting Shoes

  • We accept all gently worn, used and new shoes, sneakers, and even cleats. However, there are some restrictions, which are as follows:

    • Single Shoes or mismatched pairs of shoes

    • Ice Skates

    • Rollerblades / Roller Skates

    • Wet / moldy shoes

    • Shoes with holes or tears

    • No thrift store shoes are accepted.

    If you have further questions on type or quality, please reach out to the Stanhope HSA.

  • The shoes given to your shoe drive fundraiser should be gently worn, used and new. Of course, we always love to repurpose shoes that are in the best possible condition. And, we love new shoes best of all!

  • We do not accept single shoes, only matching pairs of gently worn, used and new shoes and sneakers.

  • Unfortunately, shoes from thrift stores and resale stores are not accepted. It’s our experience that these types of organizations offer only the worst shoes in their inventory. If it’s not something that you or your family would wear, then our partner cannot sell the shoes in their communities. Just like you, people worldwide want to purchase high-quality gently worn, used and new shoes and sneakers. We have a strict policy on the shoe quality, and if the footwear is not gently worn, used and new quality shoes, which could get sold abroad


  • Monday, January 20th through Friday, March 14th

  • You can send shoes into Valley Road School during the week with your child. There will be a bin in the foyer marked “Shoe Drive”

  • The Stanhope HSA is sponsoring 3 large upcoming events where you can bring shoes to drop.

    • Friday, January 31st at 6:30pm is Movie Night at Valley Road School

    • Tuesday, February 25th at 6:30pm is the Talent Show at Valley Road School

    • Saturday, March 8th is the Spaghetti Dinner at the Stanhope Fire House


  • The shoes collected become an economic lifeline for individuals and families living in developing nations. Due to systemic poverty, lack of education, and economic opportunity, our partner works with individuals who create micro-businesses, essentially small businesses. 

  • Unfortunately, no. Shoes you collected get combined with other shoes from other shoe drive fundraisers. The shoes collected from shoe drive fundraisers throughout North America get consolidated together and sent overseas.


  • Instead of asking all of you to write a check or pull out your credit card, a shoe drive fundraiser engages you in a fun and easy way. During the fundraiser winder, we ask that you collect gently worn, used and new shoes and sneakers of all styles and sizes.

  • Shoe reuse means to give a new purpose and an extended life to shoes you don’t need. Micro-entrepreneurs clean the shoes given in shoe drive fundraisers in North America. After, they sell the shoes in developing countries worldwide. In other words, the shoes get a new lease on life in developing nations as inventory for micro-enterprises who sell the footwear in their communities.