Adult VOLUNTEERS are needed for Walk to School Day Meet-Up Locations.
If you live near any of the intersections listed below and would like to “drive the walking schoolbus” on Walk to School Day, please email Mrs. Cathy Yonki at
As a volunteer, you will walk to school with the students who meet at your location. You will need to be at the meet-up location no later than 7:40am SHARP!
Meet-up Locations:
Stanhope-Sparta Road + Lenape Drive
Aspen Court + Dell Place
James St + Young Drive
Maple Terrace & Sagamore Rd
Stanhope Police Station, 77 Main St (Mr. Hagemann will also be at this location)
If you would like to add a location that is not near any of the locations on this list, please email Mrs. Yonki.