Let’s Celebrate “Red Ribbon Week!”
The Red Ribbon Week Campaign was started in 1985 to show support for the battle against drugs. This began the continuing tradition of displaying Red Ribbons as a symbol of intolerance towards the use of drugs. The mission of the Red Ribbon Week Campaign is to present a unified and visible commitment towards the creation of a DRUG-FREE AMERICA. As a community, let’s unite and take a stand against drugs. Please support this invaluable program by supporting the agenda below.
October 21st - October 25th
Monday, October 21st
"Put the Cap on Drugs"
Wear your favorite hat. -
Tuesday, October 22nd
"Wear Red, Stop Drugs"
Wear red clothes. -
Wednesday, October 23rd
"Team Up Against Drugs"
Wear your favorite team jersey. -
Thursday, October 24th
"I'm TOO Bright to do Drugs"
Wear neon clothes. -
Friday, October 25th
"Sock it to Drugs"
Wear craziest socks.