There are SO many opportunities to get involved!

If you cannot attend, you can either donate items or contributions of $10. If you donate money, the HSA will purchase needed items, click here.

If you are available Friday, October 25th, we are looking for volunteers! We usually start setting up around 4:00pm. The actual dance is from 6:00pm - 8:00pm, then setup begins. We need assistance at the concession stand, as well as throughout the dance and the Haunted Hallway. If you are available and would like to volunteer, click here.

After a multi-year hiatus, the famous “Haunted Hallway” returned last year and it was once again a hit! We are bringing it back again this year and we are SO excited. If you would like to run your own booth, click here. You can select any theme that you would like, just let us know what that theme is in the comments.

Setup for the Haunted Hallway is from 6:00pm - 6:15pm. We split the night up into two walk-throughs. The first walk-through is from 6:15pm - 6:45pm. This is for our little ones that want to walk through, but don’t necessarily want to be scared. All of the “actors” in the hallway will take off their mask, and just say hello to the kids!

Between 6:45pm - 7:00pm we allow all booths to prepare for the scary walk-through. The second walk-through is from 7:00pm - 7:45pm. This walk-through is much darker and full on scary!!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Dance Committee Leads. You can find all of the HSA members and contacts here.